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woman scanning item in self-checkout line

Self Checkout Theft (Or Honest Mistake?)

Self Checkout theft charges on the rise in South Carolina and elsewhere With the proliferation of self-checkout lanes at WalMart and other retail stores across the country, charges for self-checkout shoplifting are on the rise. What used to be a very simple process of having a cashier scan your items and you pay for them…
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gun law book and a gavel

New “Open Carry” Law in South Carolina

Today, roughly 30% of adults in the United States own a gun, and another 36% are open to the idea of owning one. Whether you’re an avid gun owner or a novice, it’s your responsibility to understand the gun laws where you live. South Carolina recently passed a law that allows gun owners to open carry. Read the points below…
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weighing marijuana on a scale

Ranked: The 4 Most Common Drug Offenses in South Carolina

Over half a million people are incarcerated for drug offenses in the United States of America. Additionally, the police make over a million arrests on drug possession charges alone in a given year. Other drug offenses include drug trafficking, manufacturing of drugs, distribution of drugs, and DUIs. This article looks at the most common drug offenses in…
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Marijuana leaf on a stop sign

Can You Get a DUI for Drugs? Here’s All You Need to Know

When you receive a DUI for drugs in South Carolina, it may result in administrative penalties by the Department of Motor Vehicles including suspension of your driver’s license. Do not assume that having a prescription medication in your system will clear you of wrongdoing. Regardless of its necessity for your health, if your driving is…
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fafsa eligibility

FAFSA with a Felony: Are you still eligible?

Do you have a misdemeanor or felony on your criminal record? Are you worried that your legal issues will ruin your FAFSA eligibility? Consequences of a criminal conviction can have a major impact on juveniles and college students. In some cases, they can strip you of any potential financial aid. These consequences differ based on…
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college students drinking cocktails purchased with fake id

South Carolina Fake ID Laws And Penalties You Should Know

Fake ID possession is often associated with college students, especially underage drinkers. Most states, including South Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland, have strict laws governing underage clubbing, drinking and smoking. As a result, many minors resort to obtaining fake ID cards to buy alcohol, gain entry into bars and operate vehicles. This is one of the…
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